Science Fraud - Origin of Life Theory




The first question is where did the inspiration for this thought process come from, surely not out of the thin air since I don’t have a background in biology or any of the physical sciences, but instead as an accountant which means the logical connection must exist from point A to point Z and as the topic was considered, there were significant gaps.  It all started with an educational show on the origin of life on Earth presented by a couple of science type people and, when it was over, I concluded that the entire presentation was lacking viability in the connections from point A and on.  For this theory to work, there were multiple gaps that were filled with what can only be described as miracles.  No matter what the topic, there must be a logical progression to go from the beginning to the end without breaks or gaps and if miracles are needed to fill the gaps then there must be a Deity somewhere in the mix.


The real question is why there is a need for competition between science and religion because both disciplines fulfill certain needs.  In the past, religion had a compulsion to control the thoughts and lives of the church members because the church had a compulsion for everyone to live according to the dictates of the church.  This went so far as to force Galileo to retract his original theory on the structure of the solar system and universe.  The church forced the retraction of the theory until Galileo died and after some time, even the church recognized the basis of the theory.  Most important, Galileo did not displace God in his theory, it simply placed man more in his actual place in the universe, the universe does not revolve around man, but instead man is a small part of the vast universe.  The impact of man on the universe is the destiny of man.


The first step that needs to be resolved is putting together a place for all this activity to occur.  To reach this point, there needs to be a release of matter that can be used to form, well, everything from subatomic particles, like building stuff with Legos.  At the beginning of the universe there is a ball of matter, a really big ball of matter, that contains all of the matter in the universe.  While there are theories that claim that matter simply pops into existence, for everyone that has fairy dust, they can also make stuff pop into existence.  All matter exists and when you start with nothing but highly compressed subatomic particles, everything can be created by combining the right particles.  The big question should start with the source of the ball of matter and this is a story unto itself.



The universe is not comprised solely of hydrogen, but hydrogen is the fuel and life blood of the universe.  Hydrogen is burned by the stars in the universe to create energy using the fusion process and this is really very simple if you start with the assumption that everything is made up of subatomic particles and if an atomic structure changes then matter/energy in the form of energized subatomic particles is released.  To give an example, when the Sun is shining and it feels warm on your skin, this is actually the energized photons interacting with your skin and over exposure results in sunburn where the energized photons have released the contained energy and damaged the skin cell structure, however, considering the number of skin cells, continued exposure is needed to cause any problems.  Consider the concept of lightning and the source of the static electricity that is accumulated and released during the lightning strike.  All sunlight is nothing more that energized photons and these photons collide with everything that gets in their way, if you consider the size of a photon and all of the space then it is possible for photons to shoot through the atmosphere without impacting another gas atom or gas molecule.  Consider this possibility, what happens if an energized photon impacts a nitrogen atom while shooting around? Would the result be the same as when a photon impacts a solar cell or a plant leaf, the energized portion is passed to the atom and the photon particle, now discharged, joins the atomic structure of the nitrogen atom, creating static electricity.  When the lightning discharges the static electricity, part of the discharge is the static electricity of the atmospheric atoms from energized photons.  Luckily, Earth has the capacity to absorb and allocate this energy and the lightning strike passes the charge in a visually impressive display of absorption, collection, and discharge.


The process for the creation of energy by the Sun is a matter of gathering lots and lots of hydrogen atoms together and forming the core of the Sun.  As the volume increases then the core of the ball of hydrogen compresses more and more and this compression results in heat as the compression continues and once the heat rises to the required level, a fusion reaction starts.  A fusion reaction takes four hydrogen atoms and combines them together where each hydrogen atom contributes the electron and proton and these are combined and result a helium atom with two electrons, two protons and two neutrons (which are the result of combining two electrons and two protons creating two neutrons and massive amounts of energized photons).  These energized photons fight their way to the edge of the hydrogen gas cloud and shoot off into space, come to Earth and give you sunburn, lightning, plant starches or perhaps head in any direction in the universe until they impact something else.  The question here seems to be the escaping of the energized photons from the Sun considering the gravitational pull of the Sun.  The energized photons escape the Sun but can be pulled into a Black Hole gravity so what is the difference?  Is some gravity selective like the hydrogen gravity from the Sun as compared to the gravity of a Black Hole compressing the particles torn from every entrant in the party of a Black Hole?


This story has a sad ending because hydrogen, along with other gases, are the source of energy for the universe but at some point, all the fuel will be burned up and the stars will shut down.  One of the assumptions made in this discussion is that the burning of the gases through fusion provides a constant output of energy and this energy expands the size of the universe in much the same way heating air will expand a balloon.  At the point in time where the gases run out and the fusion reaction shuts down, the universe will begin to collapse and as it is pulled back to the central point, everything will be consumed by a Black Hole that collects the matter and tears it apart.  The Black Hole collects everything as the compression of the universe pushes everything into the gravitational pull of the Black Hole, gathering the remaining energy to maintain the spin of the matter and the gravity compressing the matter.  The universe is dark, all the matter has been consumed by the Black Hole and the remnants is a ball of matter, comprised of tightly compressed subatomic particles.



The biggest disappointment in this discussion is the rejection of the Big Bang theory.  The shape of the universe provides an estimate of the method of matter disbursement.  A Big Bang would have shot matter in every direction and, in the process, the spin and orbital momentum would be lost.  Instead, the universe provides an image more like a platter as compared to a ball.   In the beginning, all you have is a ball of matter, the remains of the Black Hole from the previous universe, trying to maintain the spin and gravity to hold everything in place.  Time and movement are the enemy of the ball of matter as the remaining energy is consumed and the spin of the ball of matter slows and the gravity drops slowly, when suddenly a portion of the matter breaks free of the ball of matter and with enough existing momentum to move the portion off the ball of matter and into space where it begins an orbit around the ball of matter in an ever expanding orbit, maintaining the same rotational patterns.  The orbit grows, providing space, and the portion of matter, while maintaining the same spin attributes as the ball of matter, expands and takes up more space as the compressed particles begin to stretch and move around.  This portion of the ball of matter was just the first and there are many more with the likelihood that each portion may end up forming galaxies, but let’s follow the first portion knowing that the relatively same sequence will be followed by the remaining portions.


There was no Big Bang, each portion slipped away and began an ever-expanding orbit around the center of the universe with each portion maintaining the spin that existed before.  Each portion will expand and begin the process of allowing the particles to look around and find old friends, making new connections and forming new atomic structures. The simplest structure is hydrogen which is one electron and one proton, made up of the needed particles connected through the link of atomic matter and the finished atom combines the gravity of the particles to pull similar structures together.  The issue of gravity is one of the issues that is a major part of the structure of the solar system, the galaxy, and the universe, but science has no clue as to the source or connections of gravity.  This discussion proposes that movement is the nature of all matter not only the rotation in orbit but also in the movement of the atomic parts and the constant shifting and movement of the particles, everything is constantly moving.  This rotational movement creates a drag and pull between the particles and atomic parts, the compounding effect of the drag and pull create ever increasing strengths of gravity as the movement increases beyond the particle level with the addition of more particles.  Drag and pull are simply terms to describe the relationship between particles to keep everything in place, the drag is the effect other particles have on each particle and pull is the effect this particle has on other particles.  The balancing of the drag and pull keep each particle, atomic structure, cloud, planet, or star in place in relation to everything else.  Each planet has a desire to speed off into space using the momentum of the mass but the pull of the Sun holds every planet in the orbit, while at the same time, the planet pull also fights to maintain the position in the orbit.


The escaped portion of matter expanded, and particles formed atoms and similar atoms came together to form clouds of hydrogen or oxygen/nitrogen or cloud of heavier atoms.  This discussion proposes a memory instinct in the particles looking to form specific atomic structures, allowing the development of atoms other than hydrogen.  On top of the memory instinct, there is a tendency for the gravity to be selective with hydrogen coming together while other atoms of similar nature are attracted to each other.  These heavier elements came together in clouds and each cloud compressed as a result of the spinning, the constant movement, and this movement increases the gravity, compressing the cloud even further.  In the case of gases, the clouds formed and moved around based on the existing momentum with mass and the gravity control of other bodies and the occasional collision occurred.  The hydrogen clouds are attracted to each other and continue to move together, colliding and being absorbed by the larger cloud.  With hydrogen being the most abundant of the elements, large gas clouds of hydrogen formed and, as with any other cloud, the spinning increased the compression while the cloud grew.  At some point, once each cloud got large enough, the compression and raising heat ignited the fusion process in the core, burning the hydrogen and generating energy in the form of energized photons.  This process converts four hydrogen atoms into a helium atom while expelling considerable energy and this energy works its way to the outer edge of the cloud and shoots off into space.  Consider the Sun, there is constant sunlight in every direction every minute of every day.  A star was born, generating energy for the rest of the universe, in this case, the star is the Sun, part of the building solar system.  All this energy, is it wasted?  Perhaps this energy is expanding the universe in much the same way heating air in a balloon expands the balloon.


As the movement continued to spin the cloud and compress the heavier elements, the core began to form and the compressed core liquified from the heat generated.  This is going on in every cloud of heavier elements and in our solar system it happened five times, starting with Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and the fellow destined for destruction.  The inner planets of the solar system all have a solid core as compared to the four gas planets.  The fifth planet was going through the same process as the other four but a collision with an asteroid caused the planet to break apart, maintaining the space in the layout of the planets but more as a number of moons around the Sun.  Over time the four inner planets stabilized, and the cores formed with a partial shell around each core.  The next event was the collision of Earth with an asteroid, causing a portion of Earth to be knocked out with the perfect trajectory to become a moon around Earth instead of shooting off into space and this collision also caused the angle of Earth to shift twenty three degrees off the vertical.  The location of the moon and the orbit established by the moon helped Earth to stabilize the daily rotation. 


In order for Earth to be developed to support life, Earth needed a couple of additions.  First, a cloud of hydrogen collided with Earth and was held in place by the existing gravity.  Next, a cloud of oxygen (80%) and nitrogen (20%) collided with Earth and the exposed heated core ignited the oxidation of the hydrogen, burning off the hydrogen (to form water) and then igniting the exposed carbon in the crust, resulting in the excess oxygen being converted to carbon dioxide (45%) and nitrogen (55%).  At this point, Earth had an atmosphere of carbon dioxide and nitrogen and water (from the oxidized hydrogen and oxygen).  The order of events is critical because of the need to generate the volume of water required and relying on ice crystals from space seems a little scarce.  The hydrogen must be in place when the oxygen is added so that the initial oxidation can form the water.  If the oxygen came first, the oxidation of the oxygen with the carbon would have converted the atmosphere to carbon dioxide and the oxidation with the hydrogen would not have been possible.  By bringing in the hydrogen first, then the initial oxidation of the hydrogen can be completed before the balance of the oxygen is consumed into carbon dioxide.  Based on the atmosphere of Venus, it is likely that the source of hydrogen was not in place when the oxygen collision occurred, and the oxygen was all converted to carbon dioxide.  It is believed that a small amount of water exists on Mars providing the option that a smaller similar hydrogen cloud was also used by Mars with a smaller oxygen / nitrogen cloud. 


One of the options is that several gas clouds existed in the same orbital space as Earth during the period when Earth created the atmosphere through collisions with gas clouds.  Over time, these gas clouds collided and merged into larger gas clouds and the additional mass provided the momentum to move further out in the solar system.  The size of the gas planets provides an indication of the volume of gas clouds that existed in the solar system.  As stipulated earlier, gas clouds have the same propensity to attract similar gas clouds so that the resulting gas planets are not primarily hydrogen even though hydrogen is the most abundant gas in the universe.


After the collisions with the gas clouds described above, Earth had an atmosphere and access to water and it can be assumed that the environmental actions of evaporate, condense, rain, runoff had done a couple of things: 1) the atmosphere was cleaned of any remaining debris, and, 2) the cycle of collecting salt from the land and moving that salt into the ocean had started.  When the oceans were first created, the water was dirty but otherwise not comprised of salt and other minerals.  The salinity of the ocean was added over the next millions of years thanks to runoff dissolving salt from the land and dumping in the oceans.  An interesting point is that underground water is located under land and these water sources do not integrate with the ocean because water underground is normally not salty.  An interesting project would be to determine the time required for the salt runoff to reach current levels of salinity in the ocean since the ocean started as fresh water.


It is at this point that all the life creation options can be reviewed.  The point is to bring each of the options into this environment and determine whether any of the options are viable.  As Sherlock Holmes indicated, consider everything, dismiss the impossible and whatever is left over is the truth.